ShopRite Coupon Policy
Be sure to print the entire ShopRite Coupon Policy
ShopRite Price Plus Club
• Your card is required to redeem digital coupons loaded to your ShopRite Price Plus Club (PPC). If you do not have your card, you may access it by using the phone number in your profile.
• Customers who have the ShopRite mobile app may use its digital card feature. (Note: this is the ONLY app we will accept at the checkout in place of your PPC.)
Present your paper manufacturer coupons at the time of purchase.
• ShopRite from Home customers must present paper coupons when picking up an order.
• SRFH delivery orders will have digital coupons ONLY applied to the order. Paper coupons will not be accepted.
• Digital and paper manufacturer coupons cannot be combined on the purchase of any one item.
• Multiple coupon offers cannot be combined to purchase a single item.
• If more than one coupon is offered for a single item, our registers will deduct the highest value offer.
• The remaining coupon will either be returned to the customer or returned to the customer’s PPC during the transaction. If both offers have the same value, the digital will be honored.
Match your purchase to the specific item indicated on the coupon. No substitutions are permitted.
• We reserve the right to limit coupon redemptions to (4) of the same paper coupon per household per day.
• Coupons must be redeemed within the time period printed on the coupon. We do not accept expired coupons.
• Terms and conditions of coupons must be met within one transaction and cannot be split over multiple orders or multiple days.
• Digital coupons can only be loaded and redeemed once, unless otherwise noted. All redemptions must be in ONE transaction.
• Double coupon policies vary by store. Check your store for details.
• Digital coupons will NOT be doubled.
Competitor Coupons:
• Unless expressly prohibited by the terms on the coupon, we accept checkout (Catalina) coupons and manufacturer-issued coupons that display other retailer logos only if they are clearly identified as manufacturer coupons and if they scan at checkout.
• Paper coupons are not accepted on SRFH delivery orders.
• Manufacturer-issued paper coupons must be legible with a valid remit address and a scannable bar code.
• Coupons that have been identified as counterfeit do not scan in our system and will not be accepted.
• We reserve the right to refuse any coupon for “free” product, “Buy One, Get One Free” offers, and those with a high value in relationship to the item’s price. We reserve the right to refuse any coupon that appears to be fraudulent.
• Coupons displaying signs of mass cutting or similar cuts and tears, coupons bearing tape, coupons in mint condition, and coupons bearing sequential numbers may suggest coupon fraud. Coupons that are copied, scanned, altered, sold, traded, distributed or transferred by their original recipient to any other person, firm or group are VOID.
• If the coupon’s face value or multiplied value is greater than the purchase price of the item, we will not refund cash. We will not give cash back or credit for coupons not presented at time of purchase.
• We cannot refund the value of a coupon or return the coupon if a purchased item is later returned to the store.
• Only one manufacturer coupon will be applied to each “Buy One, Get One Free” offer.
• ShopRite does not accept coupons or savings offers presented in the form of a bar code on any electronic device.
• Customers must pay any and all applicable taxes. The cash value of any ShopRite-issued coupon is 1/100¢
Please note: Living Rich With Coupons is not associated with ShopRite or the Wakerfern Company. The policy stated on the ShopRite official page is the correct and current policy and should be followed. This page is for information purposes only and while we try to keep it as update to date as possible, there are times when ShopRite has made small changes to the policy that we have not adjusted here.
This page was updated on Saturday, 12/14/19
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