Got Coupons In Your Mailbox?
Here are some of the great coupons that some readers have received from contacting companies from the Got Coupons? posts each week. If you haven’t contacted any companies yet you might want to check the Got Coupons? Master List. You can always access the list by clicking on the Coupons tab in the navigation bar above and then the “Request Coupons” link.
Here is what some readers who smile on their way to their mailbox:
Daintygyal recently received some Apple & Eve, Arnold, Turkey Hill, and Bolthouse. So, be sure to contact Apple & Eve, Arnold, Turkey Hill, and Bolthouse to get yours too.
Margaret recently received some Beneful, Apple & Eve, Huggies, Welch’s, Fresh Express Mott’s for Tott’s and Happy Baby. So, be sure to contact Beneful, Apple & Eve, Huggies, Welch’s, Fresh Express Mott’s for Tott’s and Happy Baby to get yours too.
Michele recently received some Colgate coupons. Although she got her coupons under special circumstances, be sure to contact Colgate to get yours too. Here is what Michele had to say:
“Yesterday I received some awesome coupons from colgate. Back in May I bought some Colgate toothpaste from Walgreens when they were doing register rewards which made it free. I went to my bathroom this weekend to get a fresh tube, only to find out they expired in 2010. I wrote the company and got an email apologizing and promising to send me out a couple coupons for my troubles. I ended up getting 2 ‘Free’ coupons and 15 other various coupons. Amazing! I just had to tell you so you can let your readers know that colgate sends great coupons.”
Be sure to request coupons from these companies so your trip to the mailbox will put a smile on your face too. Let us know if you received any great coupons.