The Story of The .59¢ Wahl Hair Clipper at Walgreens

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An innocent walk through Walgreens lands an awesome deal.

So I’m in the parking lot to go into another store and I was drawn into Walgreens only to look around. I missed Walgreens, I hadn’t been there in weeks. Yes that’s right, weeks. Why, well simply because there has been nothing there that has made me grab my keys and run out the door yelling, “great deal at Walgreens, I’ll be back in a minute”. Nope nothing at all.

So I figured while I was in the parking lot I would visit my old friend Walgreens. Look around at what was on sale and see if there were any coupon tearpads waiting for my little fingers to grab 1..okay 2…okay 3..alright, as many as I can tear off. (You didn’t hear that from me).

Well sitting on the top shelf of the clearance rack was this poor Wahl hair clipper. Normally I would just look at the price and put it down but this time I heard the voice of my son, “Mom, just get a hair clipper and I won’t have to go to the barber so much.” He has been saying that for the past month and I just did my, yeah, okay kinda of answer. I mean really, I don’t know how to use one of those and I certainly wasn’t going to waste, what, $20/$30 on it and then it just sits in the closet.

This time the poor Wahl hair clipper was in luck. My son’s voice made me grab it and bring it over to the counter to see how much it was. $5.59 she said. $5.59? That is so cheap. Okay I’ll take it. Oh but wait, maybe I have coupons. Hmm, could I have a coupon for a Wahl hair clipper? I couldn’t just buy something, even as cheap as $5.59, without checking if I had a coupon. After all, what would you all think of me.

So I stood there for a minute and thought, okay, drive home (use some gas), check coupons, drive back (more gas). Nope, I’ll just take my chances. How much did you say….SOLD!

Of course how could I not check anyway to see if there really was a coupon. You know I had to. Searching and searching, looking and looking and BAM, not just a coupon but better than a coupon. A REBATE. Yes folks, that’s right, I bought the darn WAHL hair clipper for $5.59 and found a rebate for $5.00. You know I planned it that way right? Not! Just an innocent trip to Walgreens and stumbled on a great deal.

Why the story to tell you about the Wahl clipper deal? Well mostly because I was getting bored of just posting…”buy this, use this coupon, get it for this”. So boring, don’t you think? Spice things ups a bit.

But back to the basics:

Wahl Clippers (model # 9155-100) on clearance for $5.59
note: sticker said $15 but I knew it was on clearance and would be cheaper
Use this rebate form to get $5.00 back.
Final Price: .59¢