Top 10 Reasons I’m Not An Extreme Couponer!

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TOP 10 reasons i'm not an extreme couponer

Top 10 Reasons I’m Not an Extreme Couponer

It just amazes me the level that people will take with some things in their life.  Take couponing for instance. I’m all for saving money. In fact, I rarely buy anything unless it’s attached to a coupon or a sale. But, I could not believe what I was seeing when the Extreme Couponing show started. U-hauls carting groceries away, grocery cart after grocery cart of soda. Living Rooms turned into mini markets. Why?!

Yes stockpiles are important in saving money but one or two shelves will do in order to store the average family’s stockpile.

So, without further ado, here are my Top 10 Reasons I am not an Extreme Couponer.

Enjoy! 😉

1. My family doesn’t need 100 toothbrushes


2. I like to sit in my living room not stock up food in my living room.

3. I like to have time to eat and sleep.

piles of paper

Piles of coupons


4. I don’t build towers out of my shopping trip

5. Diving in a dumpster for coupons is, well, just gross!

dumpster diving

Dumpster Diving


6. I like my meals to consist of more than Tic Tacs.

7. If Mama June does it, I’m not doing it.

8. I don’t want to rent a U-haul to get home from the grocery store.


9. I don’t want a call from Hoarders Show

10. If I stock up on 100 bottles of hot sauce I’m just going to need 100 more packs of toilet paper

What are your reasons for not being an extreme couponer?

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Top 10 Reasons That I'm Not An Extreme Couponer