$2 Money Maker on Clear Scalp & Hair Therapy at Rite Aid! {7/13}

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Clear Scalp and Hair Therapy Coupon

I love free stuff, I love money makers even more and have I got a great money maker for you! Starting on Sunday 7/13, Rite Aid will have the Clear Scalp & Hair Therapy is on sale for $4.99. We have 2 awesome high value coupons available – $3/1 Clear Scalp & Hair Therapy Product, exp. 8/9/14 (RA Video Values, July) and a $2.50/1 Clear Scalp & Hair Product Coupon from the 6/22 Red Plum Insert.  Those two coupons alone will make the product FREE (Rite Aid will not give overage – one coupon will have to be adjusted down).  But wait, here is your money maker….when you buy 1 you will earn $2.00 +UP reward (limit 4) making this item a $2.00 money maker! Whoohoo!

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Here is your deal at Rite Aid beginning Sunday 7/13


Be sure to check out the rest of the Rite Aid Preview Deals for next week!