Price Chopper Coupons
Here are your Price Chopper Coupons & Deals for the week of 3/24/13. Be sure to check out the Price Chopper Coupon Policy before you shop! And, be sure to look over your Price Chopper Weekly Ad to and bring one with you while you shop. And, be sure to look over the current Price Chopper Catalina “Your Bucks” Offers.
New to Couponing? Make sure to check out the LRWC Beginners Section
Price Chopper Coupon Policy
- Double manufacturer coupons up to and including $0.99. Coupons over that amount will be redeemed at face value.
- Occasionally there are $1 Doubler Coupons in the the Saving Mailer so be sure to be on the lookout for that.
- Only 4 like coupons allowed per product.
- Store coupons can be stacked with manufacturer coupons
- load digital coupons offers to their AdvantEdge card.
- Digital coupon will be applied prior to deducting any paper coupons.
- A manufacturer digital coupon and a manufacturer paper coupon can not be used on the same item.
- accept competitors’ coupons based on marketing area, up to 4 coupons of like items per day.
How to Create Your Custom Shopping List:
- Click on the box next to the item you would like to buy at the store
- The item will be placed in your shopping list.
- The list will appear from the right bottom of this site
- Once you are done, click print.
- Look for the
to find the best stockpile prices
Need information about their coupon policy? Make sure to check out the Coupon Policy Page
NOTE: If your catalinas do not print, the best thing to do it to contact Catalina Marketing. Their info is: 1-888-826-8766 or via email [email protected].