Today’s frequently asked question is from reader Siri. She is having trouble keeping track of her stockpile items. Her question is this:
My question is with stockpiling. How do you keep track of everything you have? I have 3 small kids (ages 1, 3, and 5) and I purchase snacky things like graham crackers and goldfish crackers in bulk. I recently found some in my pantry storage area that said “best if used by” and the date was a few months ago. I know they probably had a year’s advance on them when I bought them. How do you keep track of what you’ve got so that it doesn’t go bad?
How do you organize your stockpile so you are sure to use items before they expire? Do you rotate, label? Any great tips for Siri?
If you have a question you would love an answer to, just email livingrichwithcoupons @ (remove spaces) and we will post it up.