Stop & Shop: Free Kashi GoLean Bars!

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Update: Just a heads up that as of today, 7/30, this catalina is not printing. However, it is advertised right in their circular. And, just an FYI, items on the bottom row of that Kashi section are printing catalinas so in case they try to tell you that it is the top row only I just wanted you to be aware that their are others on the bottom row that are printing.

Sometimes when I look at deals I think to myself, wow that was just too easy to get something for free.  And that is what happened with Kashi Go Lean bars at Stop & Shop starting today.

There is a catalina deal for Kashi, buy 3 Get $3.00.  Listed in the circular, under the deal, are the Kashi GoLean bars at 10 for $10.  There is no indication that you have to buy 10 to get the $1.00 price.  Here would be your deal:

Buy 3 Kashi GoLean Bars $1.00 each
Pay: $3.00
Get a $3.00 catalina
free after catalina

Now, if this deal rolls, then that just makes this deal even better. However we’ll have to wait and see as Stop & Shop’s catalinas don’t always roll.