New ShopRite e-Coupons
There are 5 new ShopRite e-Coupons available this morning. Be sure to clip these ShopRite coupons right away as they seem to disappear very quickly.
Here are the eCoupons you can find:
- $0.75/1 Pepperidge Farm Goldfish Sandwiches
- $0.55/1 Litehouse Product
- $1/2 Apple & Eve Juice Box, 8 pack
- $1/1 Oregon Chai Product
- $1/2 Wasa Crispbread
And you can find even more ShopRite eCoupons available for Hispanic Heritage Month.
Note: If you are having trouble loading coupons to your card, head over to the Cellfire page and try there.
I’ll be updating the ShopRite additional deals later. Make sure to check out the rest of the Shoprite Deals for this week.
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