Pathmark: Free Dove Deodorant & Body Wash!

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Pathmark: Free Dove Deodorant & Body Wash!

Well, I have to be honest.  Last week, my daughter Megan, who is a huge help for me on the site, was away.  She took a part time job coaching softball for her old high school and all last week she was away with the team in Florida.  So, I was left on my own and by the end of last week I was pretty wiped out. On top of that, we have sold our house.  Yep, we are moving.  We are trying to move closer to my husband’s work as a 1 hour and 15 minutes commute is really starting to wear on him.  And, we are trying to move closer to my parents.  But, this house buying process is getting the best of me.

So, when reader Lex emailed me this deal at Pathmark that she did, I was like, gee how did I miss that.  Well, I could see I was missing some coupons and eCoupons when I put up the Dove deal in the Pathmark match ups.  So, my apologizes on that.  But, I am so very thankful for this wonderful community here on LRWC.  You guys are always great with offering up deals you find.

So, with that said, here is the awesome deal at Pathmark for the Dove: Buy $15 Get a $5 Catalina.


Make sure to check your shelf prices as they differ from those shown here.

Be sure to check out the rest of the Pathmark Coupon Match Ups for this week.