Bounce Coupon
Stop & Shop Currently has Bounce Dryer Sheets “Fresh Linen” 80ct. on Clearance at Stop & Shop for $2.49 each.
We have a $0.75/1 Bounce product (excludes Bounce sheets 25, 34 and 40 ct and trial/travel size). After coupon pay just $0.99 each, or about a penny a sheet! Awesome Find! Do not wait to print this coupon it will be gone soon!
Although we don’t have any coupons available, Gain “Original” Dryer Sheets 80 ct. are also on clearance, for $2.19 each!
Note: As with all clearance deals price check before heading to checkout!
Giant – Martin Shoppers, check your store for a similar deal!
Here is your deal at Stop & Shop while supplies last:
Be sure to check out the rest of the Stop & Shop Deals for the week before you shop.