4 FREE +$0.26 Money Maker on Fage BestSelf Yogurt Cups at ShopRite! {4/18-Ibotta Rebate}

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Woot!  This Great Deal next week. Starting Sunday 4/18, ShopRite will have Fage Yogurt Cups on sale for $1.00  We have this Save $0.69 on FAGE BestSelf When you buy ONE (1) FAGE BestSelf 5.3oz Cup *Redeem up to 4 offers for a total of 4 conts. in a single order., ShopRite eCoupon, exp. 06/05/2021 coupon, available to clip.



We have this.$0.75/1 FAGE BestSelf Greek Yogurt, 5.3 oz only. (LIMIT 2) (Various Stores), Ibotta Rebate, exp. Varies available to redeem, making this 4  FREE+ $0.26 Money Maker

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