Happy Thanksgiving!
As we celebrate this 11th Thanksgiving on Living Rich With Coupons, I can’t thank you enough for being a part of our community.I am forever thankful for each of you. I hope you have enjoyed and continue to enjoy the benefits of couponing and have found Living Rich With Coupons a helpful tool for saving money for your family. For those of you that have been around since day one, I’m honored and humbled that you have grown with us and been a part of our couponing community for so long. Some of you are new here and I hope you will quickly see the benefits that smart shopping can bring to your family. Trust me, it’s totally worth it.
I don’t say this enough, but, this team here on LRWC is a special one. The job they do each and every day is not always easy. It’s filled with tons of information that they need to process and compile together so we provide you with the most accurate information and deals possible. There are so many moving parts that it can become overwhelming at times, but, each one of the members of this team are pros at their respective stores or tasks. I am thankful for each of them every single day.
And finally, all of us here at LRWC would like to wish each of you a very Happy Thanksgiving! We hope your Thanksgiving is filled with joy and laughter.
There will be a few deals posted throughout the morning today but we will be spending most of the afternoon with our families. If you are around tonight, we’ll be here monitoring the online deals.
And finally, I’d like to share a quote I once posted on my Instagram page:
A Meaningful Life
is not being rich, being
popular, being highly
educated, or being perfect.
It’s about being real, being
humble, being able to
share ourselves and touch
the lives of other.
I hope that we have touched your life in some way because I know you have all touched mine.
Make sure you keep on couponing 😘,