Zero to Stockpile Challenge – Week In Review, My Plans for Next Week & My Challenges

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Zero to Stockpile

Week number five of the Zero to Stockpile Challenge has been a nice, slow week for me. And on top of that, I’m way under budget.

This week I only spent $115 out of my $200 budget and, as I said in my weekly shopping trip post, that even included 40 lbs of chicken that I’ll be picking up in April.

Not only is this getting easier and shopping is taking me far less time, it’s costing me less and less money. A win win in my book.

What I Gave Up

Honestly, I can’t think of anything we really and truly need at this point. Yes, there are still many things on my stock up list but, truth be told, I don’t really need them right now. Some of the items, like paper plates and napkins, we only need when we have parties. With no parties planned over the next month, I’m not in a rush to stock up on them.

How I Shopped

This week was super easy. I shopped mostly on Sunday at ShopRite, Foodtown and CVS. Seriously, it took me less than 2 hours from door to door to do that shopping.

On Monday, I shopped at Aldi for produce. My original plan was to comparison shop Aldi with my local Best Market but I just wasn’t feeling well that day. Truth be told, I’ve been battling a stomach bug for most of the week (thank you Patrick!), so shopping wasn’t up on my list of things I wanted to do.

Thankfully, the 40 lbs of chicken was ordered while sitting on my couch. For me, that’s the best way to shop. Especially when you aren’t feeling well. FYI, if you missed the deal, it has been extended through tonight 2/10!

My Plan for Next Week

I’m excited for next week. My local grocery store, ShopRite, has some great sales on things I still need. I plan on getting Ground Turkey at $1.99/lb. Unfortunately I have no more coupons but that price is a stock up price for me. I also plan on stocking up on bacon, english muffins and cleaning supplies.

I’ll need to roll a couple of my ECBs from CVS and I’ll be stopping at Aldi for some produce. Other than that, I’ll just keep my eyes focused on some of the other items on my stock up list.

How I Challenged Myself This Week

If you aren’t following me on social media, you probably don’t know that my word for 2018 is Challenge. This year is my year to challenge myself on things I’ve been afraid to try, haven’t put the time in to try or even things I never thought I could or would do. This week, my challenges fell into the category of “haven’t put the time in to try”.

  1. Making my own Liquid Hand Soap – I’ve been playing with some “recipes” for liquid hand soap this week. I want to use castile soap as the base for the liquid hand soap. Although I’ve made a couple of samples, I haven’t found that anything I made was thick enough. They were still too watery for my liking. My only other option was to get a foaming soap dispenser and see how it is in that. If anyone has a thicker liquid hand soap recipe using castile soap, I’m all ears.

Now It’s Your Turn

So, now it’s your turn. How did your week go? Did you have goals you wanted to reach? Did you reach them? Did you stock up on some important items your family needs? Did you challenge yourself with any new challenges or any of the ones I posted during the past two weeks?

What You Might Have Missed

In case you missed my shopping trips, you can see each one of them below.  I also show my budget as well as the items currently sitting in my stockpile and freezer.

I Challenge You

And, I challenged you with five things to make this an even more successful journey for you:

Zero to Stockpile Giveaway Winners

This week’s Zero to Stockpile Giveaway Winner is Shawn Albanese. He won a $50 Amazon Gift Card. Remember, head to our Zero to Stockpile giveaway page to find out how to enter.

Tips to Follow My Journey

  1. Follow me on my Instagram account where I post, via my IG Stories, all my day to day!
  2. Join our Zero to Stockpile Facebook Group.
  3. Sign up for the Zero to Stockpile Newsletter



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