Beauty Instant Savings Deal
Reminder! We Still have this huge “New in Beauty” Instant Savings Deal at Stop & Shop, Giant and Martin stores running through 4/13! The deal is Buy $20 in Participating Products and Save $6 Instantly!
There are a ton of products included! Everything from the New Herbal Essences Bio Renew to the New Soft Soap Plus Lotion Hand Wash!
Items Included:
- Head & Shoulders 12.8oz, $5.50
- Tresemme Expert Hair Care Shampoos, Conditioners, and Stylers, $5.00
- Pantene 3 Minute Miracle, $4.00
- SheaMoisture Hair Care Products, $8.99
- John Frieda Products, $5.00
- Pantene Stylers, $4.00
- Pantene Original White Bottles, $4.09 (shelf price can vary)
- OGX Hair Care Items PSA – $5.29
- Hask Hair Care Products, $1 for the Single Treatments, $5 for the rest
- L’Oreal Advanced Hair Care or Expert Shampoo, Conditioners, and Stylers, $3.50
- Garnier Whole Blends or Fructis Shampoo, Conditioners and Stylers, $3.50
- Maui Moisture Hair Care, $6.99
- Le Petit Marseilais Body Wash, $3.99
- SoftSoap Hand Soaps, $2.00 each
- Degree Dry Spray His or Hers, $5.00
- L’Oreal Evers Hair Care, $6.99
- *Possible inclusion of Dove Foam Body Wash pump, $5.49 (unconfirmed)
We have a TON of coupons available for all or most of these products.
Coupons Available:
- $1.50/1 Pantene Styler or Treatment Product ets, 4/2 PG, exp. 04/15/2017
- $1/1 Pantene Pantene Expert or Gold Series Product ets, 4/2 PG, exp. 04/15/2017
- $5/3 Pantene Products excludes 6.7oz and trial/travel, 4/2 PG, exp. 04/15/2017
- $2/2 Pantene Products excludes 6.7oz and trial/travel, 4/2 PG, exp. 04/15/2017
- $0.50/1 Softsoap brand Liquid Hand Soap Plus Lotion, exp. Varies
- $2/1 Garnier Whole Blends Shampoo or Conditioner, 4/2 RP, exp. 04/29/2017
- $1.00 off one GARNIER Fructis
- $1/1 OGX Hair Care Item ets (coupon valid 3/20/17-5/20/17), 3/19 SS, exp. 05/20/2017
- $3/2 OGX Hair Care Items ets (coupon valid 3/20/17-5/20/17), 3/19 SS, exp. 05/20/2017
- $2/1 SheaMoisture Hair care product excluding single use and travel, 1/22 RP, exp. 04/30/2017
- $5/$20 SheaMoisture Products, SavingStar Rebate, exp. 05/24/2017
- $5/2 Head & Shoulders $5/2 380ml/12.8oz or larger or Clinical Solutions ets, 4/2 PG, exp. 04/15/2017
- $2/1 Head & Shoulders 380ml/12.8oz or larger or Clinical Solutions ets, 4/2 PG, exp. 04/15/2017
We’ve set you up with an awesome combo deal containing Garnier Whole Blends and Softsoap Hand Soaps! You can pick up 4 of the Whole Blends, and 3 of the Softsoaps totaling $20.00. We’ll use 4 of the $2/1 Whole Blends coupon from the 4/2 Red Plum insert and 3 of the Printable $0.50/1 Softsoap brand Liquid Hand Soap Plus Lotion coupons We’ll use our coupons, and receive our instant savings paying a total of $3.00! That’s only $0.43 each! Awesome Deal!
There are tons of awesome deals to be had on all of these products, we set you up with a bunch of deal ideas below. You are free to mix and match them to go with what coupons you have available, and what your needs are.
*Note pricing can vary from store to store, so check your shelf pricing BEFORE heading to checkout!
Here are your deals at Stop & Shop, Giant, and Martin Through 4/13:
Be sure to check out the rest of the Stop & Shop Deals for the week before you shop.