Better Than FREE V8 + Energy Drinks + More at Rite Aid! {4/16}

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V8 Coupon

Here is another easy deal you can score at Rite Aid next week! Rite Aid will have the V8 + Energy Single Cans 8 oz, Aquaball 10 to 12 oz, Juicy Juice 4 packs, Hawaiian Punch 32 oz or 3 ct or Yoohoo 3 ct. on sale for $0.88. And when you buy 2 you will earn 100 Plenti Points ($1.00, limit 2).

We have the following offers available:

After sale, coupons and Plenti Points we can score 2 V8 Energy 8 oz cans for FREE + $1.00 money maker!  If you prefer Aquaball, you can score 2 for just $0.10 each after all offers!

Note: According to Rite Aid’s coupon policy, “In the event that any item’s selling price is less than the value of the coupon, Rite Aid will accept the coupon in exchange for the selling price of the item.”

Here is your deal at Rite Aid beginning 4/16:

This List Has Expired

Rite Aid {4/16-4/22}

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Be sure to check out the rest of the Rite Aid Deals for the week before you shop.

