With just 10 sleeps until Christmas, it’s getting real, and fast. Don’t worry, we’ve got some 6 Ways to Save on Last Minutes Christmas gifts.
1. Free Shipping Day

12/16/16 is National Free Shipping Day! More than 1,100 stores are offering FREE SHIPPING ON ALL ORDERS with delivery by Christmas Eve.
2. Super Saturday
The last day before Christmas is called Super Saturday or Panic Saturday. You can usually find great deals on clothing at up to 50% during that day. But, be prepared to fight the crowded stores with the other last minute shoppers. Good luck!
3. Restaurant and Retail Gift Card Offers
This time of year, thousands of restaurant and retail stores offer gift card offers. These offers usually consist of a bonus offer when you make a qualifying purchase. For instance, buy a $50 gift card and get a $10 bonus card. These bonus cards can be used as gifts for teacher gifts, co-workers etc.
4. Gift Card Offers at Grocery Stores
During December, many grocery stores and even drugstores have gift card offers that give you cash back (usually in the form of a store credit) when you buy a gift card. This is free money in your pocket for a gift you were going to be buying anyway.
5. Buy Discounted Gift Cards
Go to sites like Raise.com or GiftCardGranny.com to purchase gift cards at hundreds of different retailers for a discounts. Discounts range anywhere from 1% – 20% off the value of the card. You can even sell your own unwanted gift cards.
For Raise.com go here to create a new account. Make sure that your referral code says: lrich.
6. Discount Magazine Subscriptions
Sites like DiscountMags.com offer huge discounts on magazine subscriptions. Order a subscription for someone on your list. To gift it, print out a cover of the magazine and attach a cute gift card. It’s a gift that lasts all year long.
Download our Free Printable Christmas Gift Tags here