Walgreens Beauty Enthusiast
Walgreens now has a Beauty Enthusiast Club to save you even more! For every $50 spent on beauty you’ll get 5,000 points ($5). Join for FREE Today by entering youre Balance Rewards Card Number or phone number!
As a Beauty Enthusiast, you’ll enjoy:
- 5,000 points (thats a $5 reward!) for every $50 spent on beauty
- Digital coupon via Email for 20x Everyday Points when you sign up
- Exclusive promotions and samples
- Personalized beauty profile and product picks
- Pro-tips and tutorials from the experts
What is considered a Beauty Item:
- Cosmetics
- skin care
- hair care
- oral care
- grooming products
Details and Q&A are listed in the link below.
New Walgreens Beauty Enthusiast Club: Spend $50 Get 5,000 Points