Instant Savings Deal at Stop & Shop – Horizon Mac & Cheese or Milk Singles only $0.75 each {9/30}

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horizonHorizon Instant Savings

Starting 9/30 Stop & Shop has another great instant savings deal. The deal is Buy $20 worth of Participating Horizon Products, and Save $5 Instantly. 


Included in the Deal is Horizon Classic Mac & Cheese, and Horizon Milk Singles, both are priced at $1.00 each. 

We don’t currently have any coupons available for these products.

We can pick up 20 of the Milk singles, or Classic Mac & Cheese, we’ll reach our $20.00 spend requirement, and receive $5.00 instant savings. We’ll pay $15.00 making each item just $0.75!

Here is your deal at Stop & Shop Starting 9/30:

Be sure to check out the rest of the Stop & Shop Deals for the week before you shop.




