General Mills Coupons
We have some new General Mills Coupons available to print. These coupons switch over every Thursday so check back each week for new offers! Note, there are only 3 available right now, if they add more, we will update you with the new ones!
Here are the coupons that you can find:
- $1.00 off (1) BOX any flavor Cheerios cereal: Original Cheerios • Honey Nut Cheerios • Multi Grain Cheerios
- $0.50 off (2) any flavor/variety Yoplait Yogurt (Includes Greek, Greek 100, Greek 100 Whips
- $1.00 off (1) box any flavor LÄRABAR, ÜBER™, ALT OR RENOLA multipack OR LÄRABAR Bites
To access the coupons you will need to be signed in to your Betty Crocker account (or sign up). Once signed in, click on coupons on the top right. Just note, these coupons have a print limit of 1 per computer
Starting on Sunday 9/18, CVS Will have the General Mills Cheerios Cereals on sale for $1.99 making them $0.99 after the coupon.
Check out some more great deals you can score with these new coupons as well!
Here are your deals:
Money Saving Tip: Looking for more coupons? Check out all the Printable Coupons currently available.
Money Saving Tip: Check the Grocery Price Comparison Tool to find the best deals on this product at your local stores.