Arm & Hammer Coupon
Stop & Shop has an instant savings deal on participating Arm & Hammer products. The deal is Spend $20 Save $5 Instantly!
Included in the deal is Arm & Hammer Detergent Paks at $3.49 each, and Arm & Hammer Toothpastes priced at $3.00 each. We have a $0.50/1 Arm & Hammer toothpaste OR whitening booster 2.5 oz or higher printable coupon, as well as a $1/1 Arm & Hammer Single-Dose detergent, from the 6/26 Smart Source insert.
We can pick up 4 of the Toothpastes, and 3 of the Detergent Paks, getting us over the $20 threshold. We’ll use our coupons, receive our instant savings and pay $11.47. That’s only $1.49 each item.
Alternatively if you just need detergent you can pick up 6 of the Paks, and pay about $1.67 each!
Here is your deal at Stop & Shop through 7/21:
Be sure to check out the rest of the Stop & Shop Deals for the week before you shop.