We already know that there are tons of places to find printable coupons as well as coupons in your inserts, magazines and more. Well, why stop there when there are so many coupons to be found.
Below are 10 ways that might surprise you. And, sometimes they turn out to be the best coupons of all.
1. At the Doctor’s Office
Look on the counters, in the waiting room, in magazines, or even ask the receptionist if they currently have any coupons to hand out from manufacturers. I score big at my dentist office all the time. Sometimes I think they keep extra just for me 😉
2. At Convenience Stores

You can often find some great manufacturer’s coupons at various convenience stores–peelies, tear pads, hang tags, etc. Keep your eye out and consider saving the coupon to use where there will probably be a better price on the item at one of the big grocery stores. Have you seen those prices at conveniences stores? Yikes!
3. At the Post Office
Most people will pick up their mail and leave the inserts laying around or even throw them out. Next time you are at the post office, give a quick check at the tables near the post office boxes. You never know what you might find. Some people call it trash, I call it pure gold!
4. Inside Product Packages
Keep an eye out for advertisements on product packages promoting “valuable savings or coupons inside.” These can often be some really great coupons to use on our next purchase. And no opening the boxes at the store. Especially if you are not going to even buy it. Hate when I see that. Sorry…rant over!
5. In Your e-mail
I know, I know, we already get a lot of emails. But, we like emails that contain money. And coupons that come in your e-mail from companies are often ones with specific print limits and therefore cannot be posted publicly on this site, which is why they might be considered “hidden,” however remember to check your e-mail often for coupons from the products you subscribe to!
6. Subscribing for Free Samples
When I get samples in the mail, I’m not sure if I’m more excited about the sample or the coupons that are included. Probably would say 9 times out of 10, a Free Sample that arrives at my house comes with a coupon. This is a great way to not only enjoy freebies, but also save with coupons on products you might buy in the future!
7. Within the Aisles of Your Store
Always keep a lookout for coupons throughout your local grocery store…blinkie coupons, tear pads, peelies, hang tags, etc. My favorite is when the blinkie coupon makes the product free right away. Doesn’t get any more awesome than that. SCORE!
8. In Local Store Coupon Books
Often we see “coupon books” or “coupon calendars” at our favorite stores, which often feature not only store coupons but also manufacturer’s coupons! A great place to check is at the customer service counters and even at the cash registers.
9. On Facebook
Nearly every manufacturer out there now has a Facebook page. Be sure to find and “like” your favorites on Facebook to know about the latest coupons & promotions they might have available. We’ve gotten some pretty awesome coupons from facebook promotions in the past.
10. At the Library
Check with your local library to see if they have a coupon swap box. It’s a great place to get rid of the ones you don’t want and take the ones you do want. Sharing is caring!