Hormel Instant Savings at Stop & Shop – $0.28 Hormel Chili, Compleats & More!

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Hormel Instant Savings

This week Stop & Shop has Instant Savings deal on Hormel Products. The deal is Buy $20 worth of participating products and Save $5 instantly!


Included in the Deal is the Hormel Compleats priced at $2.50 each. We have a few great coupons to stack with this deal.

Also included in the Deal is Hormel Chili, priced at $1.50 each. We have a $0.55/2 HORMEL Chili products, printable coupon available. We can pick up 5 of the Hormel Compleats and 5 of the Hormel Chili, reach the $20.00, receive our instant savings and use our coupons. After all discounts we’ll pay just $2.80 for all 10 items!

Hormel Pepperoni is included and priced at $2.99 each. We have a $0.50/1 HORMEL Pepperoni product printable coupon available, as well as a matching $0.50/1 HORMEL Pepperoni product, Stop & Shop eCoupon available!

$0.50 off any one (1) HORMEL Pepperoni product


Also included in the deal is Skippy Peanut Butter priced at $2.49 each. We have that awesome We have that awesome $0.55/1 Skippy Product printable coupon available. We can pick up 4 Hormel Pepperoni’s and 4 Skippy Peanut Butter, reaching $21.92, then receive our instant savings and deduct our coupons, and pay $8.02, that’s just about $1.00 per item and a great deal!

Note: Stop & Shop allows the use of up to 16 like coupons with the first 4 Like Coupons doubling, so although we can use 5 coupons the fifth will be deducted at face value.

Let us know what deals you come up with in the Comments!

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