ShopRite Gift Card Deal
Hurry! This may not last long! This deal just got better!. We have uncovered that this deal is working when you buy Single Gift Cards as well. We tested two different gift cards that worked. Here is what we bought:
- $15 iTunes Card
- $15 Starbucks Card
We suspect that the only the gift cards that are available in multi-packs are producing the Catalina. Last week we told you about the Gift Card Catalina Deal that started at ShopRite Sunday and running through 12/26.
Your deal will go like this:
Buy $15 Starbucks or iTunes Gift Card (these have been confirmed)
Get a $5 Catalina
Use your gift card as you would have used cash
$5 Money Maker!
If you find any others that work please let us know in the comments and we’ll update the post!!
A special Thank You to reader Tina !
Be sure to check out the rest of the ShopRite Deals for the week before you shop.