New $1/2 MilkyWay or 3 Musketeers Fun Size Bag Coupon + Deals!

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MilkyWay or 3 Musketeers Coupon

There is a new MilkyWay or 3 Musketeers Coupon available to print. The coupon is for $1.00 off (2) MilkyWay or 3 Musketeers Funsize Bag, 20oz or larger. The coupon says “Available at Walmart” however it is a regular manufacturer’s coupon and can be used anywhere. See more explaining this here.

$1.00 off 2 MilkyWay or 3 Musketeers Funsize Bag

Print: MilkyWay or 3 Musketeers Funsize Bag Coupon

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Walmart sells the Milky Way Fun Size Bags, 22oz for $4.86 making them $4.36 each after the coupon when you buy 2.

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This week, through 10/10, Toys R’Us is offering 50% off All Halloween Candy Snack Size Bags, I’m not sure what these are priced at, but with the sale and the coupon there are bound to be some great deals!

Here are your deals:

Money Saving Tip: Looking for more coupons? Check out all the Printable Coupons currently available.