Class Action Settlement May Equal Big Refunds for Consumers of Kashi Products

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kashi class action settlementKashi Class Action Settlement

The label “All Natural”, “100% Natural”, or “Nothing Artificial” carries a lot of marketing weight on today’s supermarket shelves, as more and more buyers pay attention to what is in their food. One company who has made such claims in the past, however, is feelings the backlash that comes from making such statements without backing them up.

The Kashi Company, which is a subsidiary of The Kellogg Company, is in the midst of settling a class action lawsuit regarding their natural food claims. The suit alleges that Kashi made the statements, “All Natural”, “100% Natural”, and “Nothing Artificial” on the packaging and marketing materials of several of its products when they were not, in fact, true.

Kashi denies that it did anything wrong and there is no regulation within the United States that defines the terms “natural” in any legal way. However, in the interest of avoiding court, Kashi has agreed to pay up to $3.99 million in legal fees and compensation to its customers.

Who Can File a Claim?

There is an online claim form available at the lawsuit’s website which qualified claimants can fill out and submit online or via traditional mail.

Those able to do so include anyone residing outside the State of California who purchased one of the Kashi brand items listed in Exhibit H of the lawsuit (found here) for personal or household use between May 3, 2008 and September 4, 2015.

No receipt is necessary, but anyone without one can only claim a maximum of $27.50 in refunds.

The court still needs to approve the settlement terms, which is set to occur on January 27, 2016. Therefore, qualified claimants have until January 16, 2016 to file their claims or else they become ineligible to receive any cash payout. For more information and Frequently Asked Questions about the Kashi lawsuit, see the lawsuit’s main website, here.