Target Mobile Coupons
There are a few new Target Mobile Coupons available right now! Just text OFFERS to 827-438 to get them sent to you! All of these offers are good through 9/2/15.
- $1.50 off Huggies boxed diapers with purchase of Huggies boxed wipes
- $1 off Simply Balanced purchase of $7 or more
- $1/2 Honey Bunches of Oats Dry Cereal
- $2 off Kotex or U by Kotex feminine care purchase of $10 or more
Through 9/12, Target offers a Free $5 Target gift card when you buy 3 select U by Kotex products. This offer includes U by Kotex Sleep Tampons for which there is also a 20% off Target Cartwheel offer available. This offer expires 8/22. Stack these offers to get these for as low as $2.89 each!
Check out some more great deals you can score with these new Mobile Coupons as well!
Here are your deals at Target:
If you missed it, be sure to read our Extreme Couponing Tip on how to take advantage of Target Mobile Coupons without a smartphone!
Check out the rest of the Target Deals for this week before you shop!