Site Updates
Good morning! After just 3 days of moving the site over, we have gone through and updated various items that were either not working properly or made adjustments to some items thanks to your feedback.
We have adjusted the following:
- Font size – made larger to 15px
- Color of links – made darker
- Underlined links for easier visibility
- Spacing of lines vertically – for easier reading
- Menu Items – Made larger for easier reading
I know change is hard but I promise you that almost everything is in the exact same place as it was before. As a matter of fact, the menu was hardly changed except that I condensed some, lesser used, items.
Speaking of change, the “MY LIST” should be located at the upper right hand of your site as shown in the image at the top of this post. If it is not located there, then your browser has not fully updated to the new site. You will not be able to print your list if it is still located at the bottom. In order to speed the change along, as browser update at all different speeds, you will need to clear your browser cache. Once you do, simply close and open your browser and the site changes will all be up-to-date.
You can go here to see how to Clear Your Browser Cache
Thank you for your patience while we make these changes. For those who say, you shouldn’t change what isn’t broke, I agree. But, it was broken. For the last year we were patching things to make them work and the backend of the site got very bogged down with code on top of code that it needed to be redone. Plus, we are getting ready for our new app and these changes help make that process smoother. And, we have made a lot of additions to the site that people have been asking for. We couldn’t do that with the site the way it was before. Now we have so much more flexibility to add even more great features to help you save.