Clorox Pump’N Clean or Scrub Singles Over 50% Off at Stop & Shop

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Clorox Coupon

Through 7/16, Stop & Shop has Clorox Pump’N Clean or Scrub Singles on sale for $3.49 each.


We have a $1.75/1 Clorox ScrubSingles product printable coupon available. After coupon pay just $1.74 each!


We also have a $1.75/1 Clorox Pump ‘N Clean product printable coupon available. After coupon pay just $1.74 each as well.

We also have the following coupons available:

  • $1.50/1 Clorox Scrubsingles product, 7/12 SS, exp. 09/12/2015
  • $1.50/1 Clorox Pump n Clean product, 7/12 SS, exp. 09/12/2015

Here are your deals at Stop & Shop through 7/16:

Be sure to check out the rest of the Stop & Shop Deals for the week before you shop.