Walmart Shipping Service
Do you love Amazon Prime? If you’re a fan of this unlimited shipping service, you’ll be interested to know Walmart will begin testing an unlimited shipping service for 1/2 the price that Amazon Prime currently retails for. The testing will begin this summer and will aim to quickly deliver online goods to customers.
USA Today reports that the new service will cost $50 a year and promises to deliver products within three days or less. Amazon Prime currently costs $99 a year and delivers products in two days or less. Amazon also delivers on Sundays, which Walmart won’t do, spokesperson Ravi Jariwala says. It’s the latest in Walmart’s moves to become an online shopping powerhouse as more consumers turn to the Web and smartphones to complete everyday tasks.
“We’ve heard from customers that they want shipping that’s predictable and they want it to be affordable,” Jariwala says in the USA Today Report.
The unlimited shipping service test will be by invitation only and include more than a million products, from toys and apparel to electronics and home goods.
Jariwala says Walmart is constantly testing new services that aim to make it easier for customers to shop. Unlike Amazon, it can also combine its online reach with its physical store locations. Walmart offers grocery delivery in five markets, which it started testing in San Jose in 2011, as well as buy online, pick up in store and same-day pick-up.
Do you think you would be a customer of this shipping service from Walmart?