New Stop & Shop Digital Coupons
You might want to check your Stop & Shop account online, as they have added some new digital coupons!
These are coupons that are added directly to your Stop & Shop Card. You must register your Stop & Shop card and once you are logged into your account you will see them in your dashboard listed under My Offers. They work the same way as Cellfire Coupons or ShopRite eCoupons work. The digital offers vary from person to person, so check your accounts!
Note: Be sure to check every Thursday Morning for possible additional offers!
*Not all users receive e-coupons. Please contact the Stop & Shop customer service hotline.
Here are the offers I received:
- $0.75 off Stop and Shop Orange Juice All Varieties. 59 oz. or Larger. Limit One
- $1.00 off Stop and Shop Frozen Pizza All Varieties. 12 oz. or Larger. Limit One
- $0.50 off Stop and Shop Barbecue Sauce All Varieties and Sizes. Limit One
- $0.75 off Stop and Shop Frozen Hash Browns All Varieties. 22.5 – 32 oz. pkg. Limit One
- $0.50 off Stop and Shop Shredded Cheese All Varieties and Sizes. Limit One
- $0.50 off Stop and Shop English Muffins All Varieties and Sizes. Limit One
There’s also new Stop & Shop Store Coupon Printable coupons available. The Stop & Shop Facebook page has 3 new printable store coupons available. These are new items and should be on your stores shelves.
Here are the available Store Printable Coupons:
- $0.50/1 Nature’s Promise BBQ Sauce
- $0.50/1 Stop & Shop Oat and Quinoa Granola Bars
- $1/1 Simply Enjoy Salad Dressings
Here are some deals with the available digital e-coupons:
Be sure to check out the Stop & Shop Coupon Match Ups for this week.