New $0.75/2 Temptations Cat Treats Coupon – $0.57 at Walmart + Lots More Deals!

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Temptations Treats Coupon

There is a new Temptations Treats Coupon available to print.  The coupon is for $0.75 off any (2) Temptations Treats for Cats.

$0.75 off any TWO (2) TEMPTATIONS™ Treats
Print: Temptations Cat Treats Coupon

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Walmart sells the small 1.7 oz packages of Temptations Cat Treats for $0.94 so only $0.57 each after coupon when you buy 2.

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Wegmans sells the Temptations Cat Treats for $1.50 making them $0.75 each after the coupon when you buy 2.

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