New Stop & Shop Digital Coupons
Stop & Shop has a special Holiday Digital savings offers. It’s 25 Days of savings. Each day you will be given a new digital coupon to load to your card. So far, they’ve added $0.25/1 Care One Hand Soap eCoupon, a $0.50/1 Swiss Miss Hot Cocoa eCoupon, and a $0.50/1 Betty Crocker Cake Mix or Betty Crocker Brownie Mix. In addition to the new 25 Days of Savings Coupons we have the new weekly Digital offers available if you haven’t added them yet, and the new monthly offers are available.
These are coupons that are added directly to your Stop & Shop Card. You must register your Stop & Shop card and once you are logged into your account you will see them in your dashboard listed under My Offers. They work the same way as Cellfire Coupons or ShopRite eCoupons work. The digital offers may vary from person to person, so check your accounts!
Here are some of the additional offers I received:
- $0.50/1 Domino Sugar and Sweetners 16oz, 100ct., and Larger, limit 1 exp. 12/04
- $0.75/1 Mt Olive Pickles, any variety/size Limit 1 exp. 12/04
- $0.84/1 Pantene Shampoo, Conditioner, or Styler Limit 1 exp. 12/06
- $0.50/1 S&S Brand Bread all varieties/sizes exc. bakery limit 1 exp. 12/04
- $1/1 Mrs Smiths Frozen Baked Desserts, all varieties, limit 1 exp. 12/04
- $0.25/1 Care One Hand Soap (25 Days of Savings) exp. 12/31
- $0.50/1 Swiss Miss Hot Cocoa (25 Days of Savings) exp. 12/31
Here are some deals with the available digital e-coupons:
Be sure to check out the Stop & Shop Coupon Match Ups for this week.