Keebler Target Cartwheel Offers
We have some awesome Keebler Target Cartwheel Offers available. These offers are valid through 7/19 only! Here are the offers that you can find:
Both the Keebler Townhouse Pretzel Thins and the Club Cornbread Cracker Bites are priced at $2.54. We have a $1/2 Keebler Town House or Club Crackers Coupon from the 6/29 Red Plum Insert making these just $0.77 each after coupons and cartwheel offer when you buy 2.
Here are your deals at Target through 7/19:
And don’t forget to use your Target Red Card to save 5% off every purchase, in addition to these great offers!
Be sure to check out the rest of the Target Deals for the week before you shop.