SavingStar eCoupon
Wow, if you have an A&P nearby, you have to check out this awesome deal on grapes this week! Beginning today, 7/25, through 7/31 A&P has large red, green or black seedless grapes on sale for just $0.99 a pound (limit 3 pounds).
That’s an awesome sale price for seedless grapes, but to make this even better, yesterday we posted a new 20% Grapes SavingStar eCoupon! Pay only $0.79 a pound after SavingStar offer and sale!
Just a heads up however, the SavingStar offer is only valid through 7/28! Also the SavingStar offer is only valid on a single purchase of grapes. Valid on purchases up to $10 (maximum $2.00 reward).
Clip: Save 20% Grapes SavingStar eCoupon
eCoupons may reach their limits quickly. If these eCoupons are no longer available, be sure to check the LRWC Coupon Database for other great insert and printable coupons
Here is your deal at A&P through 7/28: (when SavingStar Offer expires)
Be sure to check out the rest of the A&P Deals for the week before you shop.