BabiesRUs & ToysRUs Clearance
Holy Smokes! Are you a new parent, grandparent, aunt, uncle, someone who ever hopes to have a child, or someone who will ever attend a baby shower in your life? Does that cover mostly everyone? If not and you just want to score some AMAZING deals, well then get yourself to your local Babies R Us and Toys R Us store NOW! Seriously. I think I’m speechless. As you guys know, I have a daughter Annabelle who will be 2 on Superbowl Sunday and I’ve also been blessed with a 3-month old little boy named Asher. So when it comes to deals on items for kids, I’m all game. Today I hit the jackpot at Babies R Us!! I got an e-mail that through 1/18, Babies R Us and Toys R Us are having a clearance sale – ALL clearance clothes, shoes and accessories are $4.00! Everything! As long as it has a clearance sticker it’s $4.00! Yes, just $4.00. But it gets better!
There is currently a 20% off your entire clearance purchase coupon that you can use in addition to this crazy sale! Say what!? That makes each item just $3.20!! The coupon is valid through 1/20, although the $4 sale is only valid through Saturday, 1/18.
I initially went in to just scope out the sale, but I quickly found myself overwhelmed and in shock at the deals I was scoring! As you can see from the picture above, I did well! If I didn’t have Asher with me I’m sure I would have stayed longer. Seriously – EVERYTHING on clearance is $4! I got super cute rainboots for both boys and girls, tons of shoes, a bunch of 4-packs of Gerber Onsies, holiday outfits that retail at $39.99, Carter Outfit sets, the list goes on and on, all for $3.20 per item! Ah so cool!
I have my receipt here – I purchase $818.89 worth of merchandise for just $181.58!! Plus my kiddos had a $100 Toys R Us gift card from Christmas so I really felt great tonight walking out of there. Honestly I’d like to go back for more. Shh, don’t tell my husband
So get on over to your local store and let us know your favorite finds!