Reach Floss Coupons
There are 2 new Reach Floss Coupons available this morning. Here are the coupons you can find:
Here are the details on the Catalina Offer:
Reach Floss
11/4/13 – 12/1/13
Buy 2 Get a $1 Catalina
Buy 3 Get a $2 Catalina
Buy 4 or more Get a $3 Catalina
Participating Retailers:
Giant Eagle, Kroger, ShopRite, Harris Teeter, Kroger, Stop & Shop, Acme
Above are the stores we have confirmation on. The following are even more stores that have worked in the past however we don’t have confirmation at this time that it is working there again:
On Black Friday, Rite Aid will have Reach Access Flossers on sale for $2.99 with a $2 UP (limit of 2 offers) making them FREE after coupon & UPR
Also, this week Acme has Reach Floss on sale for just $1. If the catalina deal works at Acme (which I’m going to head over and check this morning) then this will be a $1 Money Maker after coupons & catalina
Update: The Catalina Deal works at Acme making it a $1.00 Money Maker!
Here are your deals:
Looking for the best deals for these new coupons? Be sure to search for deals in the NEW Grocery Price Comparison.