Reach Floss Coupon
Woohoo! The Reach Floss Coupon has reset. The coupon is for $1 off any 2 Reach Floss.
Print $1/2 Reach Floss printable
Here are the details on the Catalina Offer:
Reach Floss
11/4/13 – 12/1/13
Buy 2 Get a $1 Catalina
Buy 3 Get a $2 Catalina
Buy 4 or more Get a $3 Catalina
Participating Retailers:
Giant Eagle, Kroger, ShopRite, Harris Teeter, Kroger, Stop & Shop, Acme
This week Acme has Reach Floss on sale for $1 making them a $1 Money Maker after coupons & catalina
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