Better Than FREE Barilla Pasta Sauce at Acme

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Barilla Pasta Sauce Coupon

Barilla Pasta Sauce Coupon

Yesterday we notified you guys that the Barilla Pasta Sauce Coupon has reset.  The coupon is for $0.75 off any jar of Barilla Pasta Sauce.

Print: Barilla Pasta Sauce Coupon NLA

And, there is a confirmed Barilla Pasta Sauce Catalina working at ShopRite and Safeway but now also Acme and Stop & Shop!  Reader Katherine & Ueen confirmed this Catalina is printing at Acme AND let us know that the Barilla Sauce is on sale for $1.99 a jar at Acme making this sauce better than FREE this week!  Woot!

Update:  This Catalina is also printing at Stop & Shop and they are priced at $1.99 also so better than FREE! 

Here is the Catalina info:

Barilla Pasta Sauce
9/9 – 10/6
Buy 3 Get a $2 Catalina

Here are your deals:


Be sure to check out the rest of the Acme Coupons & Deals for this week before you shop!

Thanks Katherine & Ueen!