YoCrunch Coupon
There is a new YoCrunch Coupon available to print. The coupon is for $0.50 off any (2) YoCrunch Blended Yogurt with Granola 6 oz cups and was found under zip code: 07738. This coupon does NOT print with any state restrictions on it like many other dairy coupons! Woot!
To find the coupon, click on the link above and type in the zip code. Once the zip code is changed, click on the link above once again and it will take you right to the coupon.
This week Weis Market has YoCrunch Yogurt 6 oz cups on sale for $0.60 each so only $0.10 each after coupon when you buy 2.
Through 9/10, Harris Teeter also has Yo Crunch Yogurt 6 oz cups on sale for $0.60 each so only $0.10 each after coupon when you buy 2.
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Thanks Ellen!