August/September Catalina Deals 2013
Check out these August/September Catalina Deals that are available starting 8/12. These are what we have so far. The post will be updated with more when we get more information
Here are the details on the New Catalina Deals:
Be sure to check out all the Catalina Deals for the month from your local store.
Other offers available but need more info:
- Buy 3 Dole®Pineapple Juice Cans 46oz. or 6oz. 6-packs – GET $1.00 off your next shopping order.
- Buy 3 Dole® All Natural Fruit in 100% Juice Jars – GET $1.00 off your next shopping order.
- Buy 2 Gerber® Good Start® Powder Formula 22 oz or larger – GET $5.00 off your next shopping order.