New SavingStar eCoupons – Better Than FREE Starbucks Iced Coffee at Stop & Shop! {8/16}

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SavingStar eCoupons

SavingStar eCoupons

There are two new SavingStar eCoupons available today. These SavingStar eCoupons are always good to clip just in case there is a deal! Sometimes they go quickly so if you already have them clipped you will still get the deal! I always clip all of them! Here’s what you can find:

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This week CVS has Starbucks Iced Coffee on sale for $1.50 so only $0.50 after SavingStar Deposit!

Here is your deal at CVS through 8/17:


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Or, if you like to work gas point deals at Stop & Shop, beginning tomorrow, 8/16, Stop & Shop will have Starbucks Iced Coffee on sale for $1.50 plus you will earn 4oo bonus gas reward points when you buy 6 participating products, including Starbucks Iced Coffee.  Pay $8.00 when you buy 6 after $1/1 SavingStar Deposit and get back up to $14 in gas rewards if you can load 35 gallons of gas, making this a $6.00 Money Maker!


400 gas points gets you $0.40 off per gallon up to 35 gallons which is equal to $14.00 in gas.  If your tank is not 35 gallons, some gas stations will allow you to fill up 2 cars or use gas containers to get the remainder of gas at the discounted price.  Be sure to check with your gas station.

Here is your deal beginning 8/16 at Stop & Shop:

Buy 6 Starbucks Iced Coffee, $1.50 each
Pay: $9.00
Get: $1/1 Starbucks Bottled Iced Coffee SavingStar Deposit
Get: 400 gas points up to 35 gallons ($14)
FREE + $6.00 Money Maker if you load in 35 gallons of gas
FREE + $2.00 Money Maker if you load in 25 gallons of gas
$0.33 each if you load in 15 gallons of gas

eCoupons may reach their limits quickly. If these eCoupons are no longer available, be sure to check the LRWC Coupon Database for other great coupons