Ocean Spray Coupon
There is a new Ocean Spray Coupon available to print. The coupon is for $1.00 off any (1) bottle of Ocean Spray Cran-Lemonade 64 oz. You must “like” Ocean Spray on Facebook and then click on the “Send a Sunny!” tab. Fill out the form and the coupon will be e-mailed to a friend. I used my second e-mail address and sent the coupon to myself. If you actually send the coupon to a friend they will receive the coupon but you won’t. If you don’t have two e-mail addresses send it to your spouse or someone you can get the coupon from.
Print: Ocean Spray Cran-Lemonade Coupon
Through 6/29 Wegmans has Ocean Spray Cran-Lemonade Juice on sale for $1.99 so only $0.99 after coupon. Score!
Check out some other deals below with this new coupon!
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