Better than Free Bayer Aspirin at Kroger!

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Bayer Coupon

Bayer Coupon

Use the $1/1 Bayer Coupon to get an awesome deal at Kroger! Right now if you Buy 2 Bayer Products you will get a $3.00 Checkout Coupon to use. After buying 2 Bayer Low Dose products for $2.32 and using 2 $1/1 Bayer Coupons you will pay $2.64 and get back $3.00 Checkout coupon they will be FREE plus a $0.36 Money Maker! Woot!

Deal Idea:


Check out the rest of the Kroger Coupon Match Ups to get all the best deals this week!

Don’t have a Kroger in your area? Check the Grocery Price Comparison Tool to find the best deals on this product at your local stores.