Acme Card Free Savings and SavingStar Update
There are some changes going on at your local Acme stores. Some things you may see include cleaner stores, lower everyday prices AND Card Free Savings. In a nutshell that means, as of 6/21, you will no longer need to use your Acme card at the checkout to get the great low prices. However, don’t throw that card away because you will still need it.
If you use SavingsStar, which I hope you do, you will still need to use your Acme Savings Card when you plan on making a purchase that includes a product with a SavingStar eCoupon.
Here is the info from SavingStar regarding your Acme Card:
We have some important information about your ACME SuperCard. As of June 21, 2013 ACME will no longer require using the ACME SuperCard to reduce the price of products at checkout in its stores. The good news is that you can still continue to use your ACME SuperCard to redeem SavingStar eCoupons. Just scan your card when you buy the products and your SavingStar savings will post to your account within a few days.
We understand that not all store cashiers and service desk attendees will be aware of this change and may tell you that you do not need to scan your card. However, it is important to note that the cashier must scan your card when checking out in order to redeem SavingStar eCoupons.
So, what do you think of the “New Acme”?