Extreme Couponing
Jessica headed to Target this week where she took advantage of the Sobe Water Deal, the cheap Fisher Price Deal and the awesome price on Market Pantry Pasta Sauce. She paid just over $12.00 OOP for all this and received a $5.00 Target Gift Card for purchasing the Sobe Water. Great job, Jessica!
- (10) Sobe life water, $1.00 each
- (2) Heinz Ketchup 38oz., $2.69 each
- (1) Laugh and learn Puppy, $15.19
- (4) Market Pantry Sauce, $1.00 each
Coupons Used:
- (1) $5/1 Fisher Price Laugh & Learn Love to Play Puppy Manufacture Coupon
- (1) $5/1 Fisher Price Laugh & Learn Love to Play Puppy Target Coupon
- (2) $1.50/2 Market Pantry Sauce printable
- (2) $2/1 Heinz Target Coupon
- $5.00 Target Gift Card
Total OOP: $12.65
Received: $5.00 Gift Card (Sobe)
Be sure to check out the rest of the Target Coupon Match Ups for the week!
Enter the Reader Shopping Trip Giveaway: If you have a shopping trip you want to share, find out how to enter it into the $100 Store Gift Card Giveaway!
LRWC Reader Grocery Savings Counter: Be sure to add your weekly grocery savings to the the LRWC Reader Grocery Savings Counter below. You can check out the counter in the sidebar to see how much we have all saved so far in 2012!