Huggies Target Coupon
There is a new Huggies Target Coupon available to print. The coupon is for $2.00 off your next purchase of BOTH Huggies Items: 17-ct or larger Huggies Diapers AND 56-count or larger Huggies Wipes.
Print: Huggies Target Coupon
Because this is a Target Coupon, you can stack it with Huggies Manufacturer’s Coupons. Here are other some other Huggies Coupons you can stack:
- $0.50 off one HUGGIES Baby Wipes, 56 ct
- $1.50/1 Huggies Little Movers or Slip-On Diapers, exp. 3/23/13 (SS 02/24/13 R)
- $2/1 Huggies Little Movers or Slip-On Diapers, exp. 3/23/13 (SS 02/24/13 R)
- $0.50/1 Huggies Wipes, exp. 3/23/13 (SS 02/24/13 R)
- $1/1 Huggies Little Movers or Slip-On Diapers, exp. 3/23/13 (SS 02/24/13 R)
Be sure to check out the rest of the Target Deals for this week!