Stop + Shop Additional Deals
Here are some Stop + Shop additional deals that are available! These will be added to the main Stop & Shop Coupon Deals for this week. Be sure to look over your Stop & Shop Weekly Ad to and bring one with you while you shop. Also, be sure to look over the current Stop & Shop Catalina “Your Bucks” Offers.
Some of the Stop + Shop Additional Deals items will be expiring on Friday 01/10!
Stop & Shop Coupon Policy
- Coupons with a face value over 99 cents will not be doubled or tripled.
- A customer may double a maximum of 4 identical manufacturer coupons but this may vary from store to store
- Up to an additional 12 identical coupons/items will be redeemed at face value for a total of 16 identical coupons.
Note that some of these prices are not advertised sale prices and may vary from store to store. Please check the shelf price at your store.