King Kullen Coupons
Here are your King Kullen Coupons & Deals for the week of 1/25/13. Be sure to check out the King Kullen Coupon Policy before you shop! And, be sure to look over your King Kullen Weekly Ad to and bring one with you while you shop.
New to Couponing? Make sure to check out the LRWC Beginners Section
King Kullen Coupon Policy
- A maximum of five [5] $1.00 off coupons per customer/per 24 hour period will be doubled.
- Maximum of two of any identical $1.00 coupons will be doubled.
- The first five [5] $1.00 off coupons scanned will double and the remaining $1.00 off coupons will be credited at face value.
- All coupons valued at .99 cents or less will be doubled according to the following guidelines:
- Maximum of TWO coupons will be doubled on any individual coupon per day, per customer. For example, if you have THREE Ragu coupons TWO will be doubled, one will not regardless of flavor or variety purchased. The third will be processed at face value.