Clover was one of many awesome CVS shopping trips that have been and will be submitted this week, with all those awesome freebies and great deals to take advantage of! Clover had some ECBs from prior weeks to roll into this week which really helped to keep her OOP as low as possible. Awesome job!
Transaction #1:
- (1) Caramel Nips, $0.88
- (1) Kraft Mac & Cheese, $0.99
- (1) Powerade 32 oz, $1.00
- (1) Coke 1.25 liter, $1.00
- (1) Nature Valley Protein, $2.99
- (1) Scooby Doo Fruit Snacks, $2.99
- (2) Carmex lip balm, $1.00
Coupons Used:
- (1) $1/2 Carmex Lip Balm, exp. 12/31/12 (SS 10/21/12)
- $9.50 in ECBs
Total OOP: $0.62
Received: $8.86 in ECBs
Transaction #2:
- (1) ThermaCare, $3.49
- (1) Advil 10ct, $2.99
- (1) Childrens Advil 1 oz, $2.37
- (1) Cepacol 4 ct, $1.00
- (1) Phillip Universal Remote, $6.99
- (1) Command 1 ct
- (1) Bayer Contour Meter, $10 (My store swapped this one for the sale model, as they were out)
- (2) Kleenex Slim pack, $1.00 each
Coupons Used:
- $5/1 Contour Meter (from Bayer coupon request)
- $2/1 Children’s Advil (from pediatrician’s office)
- $18 in ECBs
- $5 rebate gift card
Total OOP: $0.64
Received: $29.83 in ECBs
Be sure to check out the rest of the CVS Coupon Match Ups for this week!
Enter the Reader Shopping Trip Giveaway: If you have a shopping trip you want to share, find out how to enter it into the $100 Store Gift Card Giveaway!
LRWC Reader Grocery Savings Counter: Be sure to add your weekly grocery savings to the the LRWC Reader Grocery Savings Counter below. You can check out the counter in the sidebar to see how much we have all saved so far in 2012!